What is MissionBit?

Mission Bit aims to inspire youth of color to explore the world of STEM with project-based computer science education that embraces their identities. Thanks to this company we were able to learn new skills and applied some of it to this very webpage you see before you. We strongly reccommend you or someone you know try out their program and be able to create cool products using code like this. More on Mission Bit

Why Blue Toast?

Our team decided to create a connective community webpage where all people are welcome to come write freely and talk to others. You can write stories, questions, information, jokes and so much more. We were able to create this page due to hard workings members such as Cheuk Chen, applying the skills we learned in a web design class powered by Mission Bit

Who is Alexis?

Alexis worked to develop this website, and he also plays volleyball professionally. Additionally, one of his special talents is that he can do 10 backflips in a row. Crazzzzzy!!! Tribute to Searchbar

How did you make the chat?

Cheuk: All the elements are inside a windows.onload function so the web pages is responsive and interactive and it loads content as the user inputs new things. All the chat data is stored google's firebase, so even if you leave the chat page the data will be stored!